Bonjour mes chers amis,
Plusieurs mois ce sont passés depuis ma dernière lettre mais beaucoup de choses se sont produites à l’orphelinat en 2012 et ainsi qu’en ce début 2013.
Quelques visiteurs et équipes ont commencés à venir nous
aider pour des durées d’une semaine ou plus. C’était nos premières expériences avec des
équipes à l’orphelinat et ce fût
vraiment formidable.
Le mois suivant, nous avons reçu une équipe de l’Église Le Semeur du Québec ainsi que ma fille Mélissa (qui, en passant, s’est fiancée à Noel avec son amoureux Derek).
Cette équipe a fait un travail hallucinant. Ils ont construit une salle de jeux aux enfants, des tables, des p’tits bancs, des bases de lit, une table de cuisine de 4 pieds par 8 pieds, 2 tables pour le bureau et même un poulailler pour des poules à chair.
Le poulaillier |
L'immense salle de jeux que l'équipe a construit pour les enfants. Elle sert également de salle de classe pour les devoirs et leçons. |
Ils ont fait aussi beaucoup de peinture. Tout ça en 1 semaine. Incroyable.
la terrasse avant que l'équipe arrive |
la terrasse apres le travail de l'équipe |
Ils avaient amenés beaucoup de surprises aux enfants, tels des vêtements, des souliers, des jouets et bien d’autres encore.
Des bacs et une table pleine de choses pour les
enfants! Des vêtements, des souliers, des draps,
serviettes, débarbouillettes, et plus encore!
Des nouveaux draps pour tous les lits |
Ils ont également fait une matinée d’animation et d’évangélisation à l’école des enfants de l‘Orphelinat. Trois représentations, pour un totale de 300 enfants. En plus de tout ça, ils avaient réussi à ramasser des fonds pour nous, nous permettant de bien terminer l’année 2012.
Après avoir travaillés dure au soleil et à la chaleur, nous avons pris une journée de repos bien méritée à la plage.
La plage de Wahoo Bay |
On a décoré la salle à manger avec des ballons et préparé une belle table de Noel. J’ai dessiné sur leur visage. Pour eux c’était un rêve.
Ils ont eu chacun un cadeau. C’était vraiment une super
Aussi, commençant le 31 Décembre, pour une période de 3 semaines, nous avons reçu une équipe de 11 personnes de jeunesse en mission de Dunham au Québec. Faisant partie de cette équipe, il y avait des Français, des Suisse, des gens de la nouvelle Calédonie, de l’ile de la réunion, deux québécois et une du brésil. Ces jeunes étaient vraiment plein d’énergie.
Ils passaient beaucoup de temps avec les enfants. Ils ont fait du rattrapage scolaire, des activités liées au développement, des temps d’histoire biblique, de prière et ils nous ont préparé un spectacle avec les enfants qu’ils nous ont présenté la deuxième semaine. On a invité quelques uns de nos amis et ce fût un grand temps de réjouissance.
Ils ont fait de la réparation de vêtements |
L'équipe a fait des animations pour les enfants de l'école que fréquentent nos enfants. Ils ont marché jusqu'a l'école avec les enfants (20-30 mins de marche) et ont fait trois représentations, pour un total de 300 élèves. Ils s'étaient déguisé, ont chantés et présenté plusieurs sketch. Les enfants ont beaucoup aimé! Ils ont également fait une présentation dans la kindergarten en face de chez nous.
Je tiens également à remercier tous ceux qui sont ‘’Donneurs d’Espoir’’ pour nous aider à prendre soin de nos enfants orphelins et tous les sponsors permettant à ces jeunes d’aller à l’école.
Nous aimons
tellement ces enfants, ils sont formidables. J’aimerais beaucoup que vous
puissiez tous les connaître. Si ce n’était pas d’eux, je ne serais pas en Haïti.
Haïti est un pays avec beaucoup de désordre dans son fonctionnement, beaucoup de
corruption. Je ne suis pas là pour redresser ce pays, mais de penser que grâce à
l’orphelinat joie de vivre, ces jeunes auront une vie et un espoir d’avenir, ça me comble.
Ne nous
oubliez pas dans vos prières. On a besoin de vous.
Pensant à vous
Sylvie et Angèle
Pensant à vous
Sylvie et Angèle
October 2012 to February 2013
Greetings dear friends,
Many months have come and gone since I last wrote you but many things have taken place at the orphanage in 2012 and since 2013 has begun.
I will briefly tell you about the precious little loves of my life; they are the reason I find myself in Haiti. We now have twelve children under our care since a new child joined our group approximately one month ago – seven-year-old Anderson. Financially speaking, we are certainly unable to add any new child but how can I say “no” to someone with so many needs. Furthermore, I rest assured that God will provide. He tells us in His word to care for“the widow and the orphan” and to be anxious for nothing. Anderson's mother died from AIDS last January 5th, a result of her neglecting to take her prescribed medication properly. People with AIDS must at all times, day after day, every single day for their entire lives, take their prescribed medication in an appropriate manner lest their lives be shortened. Anderson is a charming young boy, making it easy for someone to be drawn to him. Due to his sickness, AIDS, the surplus of a liquid substance is forming in both his knees. He also was not taking his medicine in a proper manner. Neglecting to do so can sometimes prevent certain body parts from functioning as they should and even cause discomfort or difficulties of movement. His knees and ankles are swollen. Each week, we find ourselves consulting an orthopaedist and with the help of a syringe, he eliminates this surplus and then injects into this young boy's knees a painful cortisone shot, hoping it will cure the situation. The fact that he now takes his medication properly could stabilize this unpleasant situation. If not, an operation may be necessary but as of now, we are witnessing a healing process.
Different people and teams have started coming on short-term visits (a week or so) in order to help us. They are the first teams to come since our orphanage opened and thus far, the results are positive.
Our dear friend Dr. Gene and his wife Arlene, that we truly love, were with us last October. They held various medical clinics in the school the children at the orphanage attend. Approximately three hundred children go to that school. The school principal told the students that their parents were welcomed at these medical sessions, so that kept us extremely busy. These sessions were held the same week hurricane Sandy visited us but we were able to continue this work nonetheless. People walked the rain-drenched and flooded streets under pouring rain to attend. The doctor and his wife also held a medical clinic right here at 75 Delmas. They proved to be a greatly-appreciated moral and spiritual support. This precious couple is, for us, a living example of people committed one hundred percent to the cause of Christ.
The following month, we had a team from “Le Semeur” church from Québec, along with my daughter Mélissa (who, by the way, was engaged to her lover Derek this past Christmas).
This team did a marvellous job! They created a room in which the children could play, tables, small benches, a bed baseboard, a four x eight kitchen table, two tables for the office and even a pen for the hens. They also painted a lot – everything in one short week! They arrived carrying a few surprises for the children, including clothes, shoes and other items.
They also visited the school the children of the orphanage attend, leading them into games and doing evangelistic work. Their three performances attracted some 300 children. On top of all this, the team succeeded in raising funds for us, allowing this work to finish 2012 on a good note. After all this heavy labour was completed under a blazing sun, everyone benefited of a well-deserved day off at the beach.
Every child enjoyed a superb Christmas. For most of them, it was the very first time they celebrated that particular holiday. We had a wonderful supper, complemented with food they enjoyed. Balloons filled the dining hall and supper was served on well-decorated tables. I drew pictures on their faces – every child was living a dream. They helped me prepare dessert, even decorating the cake and they made a big punch bowl. Every one then received a gift – a great time for all!
Also, as of December 31, and for a three-week period, we welcomed an eleven-member team of “Youth With a Mission” from Dunham, in Québec. Members of this team included people from France, Switzerland, New Caledonia, Reunion Island, two people from Québec and one from Brazil. These young people were really full of energy. They spent an enormous amount of time with the children. They helped the children in their school work, bringing some of them up-to-date in their studies, held self-development activities, read Bible stories and prayer sessions. During the second week, they presented a show they had prepared with the children. We invited a few of our friends and we had a wonderful time of rejoicing.
Every day, some members of the group held activities for the children while others painted and others worked in the kitchen while the men repaired different things pertaining to electricity, leaking roof, closing gaping holes in the walls in order to prevent mice from invading the premises. After their first week here, it felt like family, even despite all these different cultures. They were a formidable team and we sorely miss them.
The team held shows at the orphans' school. They walked to the school with our children (about a 20 to 30 minute walk) and performed three programs for approximately 300 students. They had disguised themselves, sang, and presented several sketches. The children really enjoyed everything. The team also held a program in the kindergarten located in front of our place.
I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who participates with us by being a “Donneur d'Espoir” a “Giver of Hope”, enabling us to care for these precious orphans, who have become our children; every sponsor who, through his/her gift, enables these children to attend school.
We love these children dearly, each one being so wonderful. How I would like you to meet each one personally. Were it not for them, I would not be here in Haiti. Here is a country with a lot of upheaval and disorder in the way it operates, with a lot of corruption. I am not here to set the country straight, but I am overjoyed when I think that through the “Joie de vivre” orphanage, these young children will have a life and a future.
Please do not forget us in your prayers. We need you!
Thinking of you,
Sylvie and Angèle
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